Solving the draughts from your air-conditioning

As a business Holborn Projects, works largely with close control air-conditioning and cooling for large data centres, where the maintenance of a predictable, cool temperature is all that matters. Draughts are largely irrelevant.

However, when we work on commercial air conditioning systems, typically keeping office environments a bearable 15-16 degrees in summer, draughts can be a major problem. Instead of keeping everyone cool, an errant draught can lead some to get hot under the collar and disruptive to the working office.

The ceiling cassettes or wall mounted cooling units, blowing their cold air are a familiar site and the root of the problem. To try and cool an entire office, there will be cold spots where the air is expelled into the room and warmer zones where the draughts take longer to reach.

We plan the spacing of vents to try and mitigate the effects, but it’s easy to understand the problem. And now, thanks to Danish company KE Fibertech it’s easy to solve the problem.

The solution offered by Fibertech is the Airsock, which is designed to distribute large quantities of cool air without causing draughts. It looks good to.

Instead of steel or aluminium ducting, often hidden in the ceiling void, the Airsock is a round, semi-round or quarter round duct made of a porous, lightweight textile material, unique to the Danish manufacturers.

The idea is a simple one and relies on the material allowing very small amounts of cold (or warm) air out through each tiny hole, slowing the airspeed so no draughts are detectable, but spread over the entire surface area of the duct.

The idea is similar to comparing a sprinkler with a hose pipe; they both shift the same amount of water, but one is a strong stream, the other a gentler stream through lots of holes, spreading the reach and impact of the spray.

And talking of water or more specifically humidity, where very high humidity is present (over 85%) Fibertech will add an active silver antimicrobial treatment to reduce the risk of mould. So even if you are looking to ventilate your public swimming pool or cool your steam-filled restaurant kitchen, we can do it.

It also looks good. It doesn’t have the retro-industrial feel of exposed metal ducting and grilles, but it’s modern, colourful and can even be printed with logos, messages and instructions to help you make better use of the wasted space above you.

Before you ask, yes it can be fitted in place of your existing ducting and is ideal for buildings lacking sufficient strength to support steel ductwork because fabric ducting and its suspension typically weighs only around 1-2kg per metre.

Here at Holborn Projects we’re renowned for our work with data centre cooling, but if you like the look and feel of Fibertech’s Airsock, then please get in touch and we’ll ensure draughts are no longer a pain in the neck.

Solving the draughts from your air-conditioning

As a business Holborn Projects, works largely with close control air-conditioning and cooling for large data centres, where the maintenance of a predictable, cool temperature is all that matters. Draughts are largely irrelevant. However, when we work on commercial air conditioning systems, typically keeping office environments a bearable 15-16 degrees in summer, draughts can be…


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